Switching Mode Power Supply 10A 20-50V DC CT
This is a power supply circuit with switching mode with output voltages ranging from 20 Volts to 50 Volt DC CT Symmetrical 5 up to 10 Amperage very suitable for power amplifier circuit. By using Gacun TV Module 29 "and also some other supporting components such as transformer etc, you can make this power supply circuit. Below the schematic circuit:

R1= 2K2/ 3W
R2= 2K2/ 3W
R3= 510R 1/2W
C1= 1uF / 450V
C2= 1uF/ 450V
C3= 220uF / 400V
C4= 4700uF/ 80V
C5= 4700uF/ 80V
C6= 100N
C7= 100N
C8= 1N/ 2kV
BR1= Bridge Diode 3A
D1= MUR820TR Ultra Fast Diode
D2= MUR820TR Ultra Fast Diode
TR1= EMI Filter
TR2= Transformer with GAP Primary Winding= 45 Turns , Secondary Winding= 1 Turn : 5Volt Output.
Connector & Misc:
J1= AC Input 220V
J2= Output DC Symmetrical 1: +Volt 2: Ground 3: -Volt
Gacun Module:
SMPS Assembled:
Tested Switching Mode Power Supply 10A 20-50VDC
sir hpw to I make gakun controll.... please reply
ReplyDeleteU can buy it at online shop . But this product is only popular in indonesia .I have never seen this product outside Indonesia
ReplyDeleteCan you provide the commercial part numbers for the Gacun module and TR1 and TR2?
ReplyDeleteI am buy. Please
ReplyDeletePlease add pcb layout.thank you
ReplyDeletePodria ser posible mas datos de la fuente o video de como la construye como los exelentes videos que he visto sube. Desde ya gracias desde Argentina
ReplyDeleteSir can u sent me the details of Sm transformer construction
ReplyDeleteI want make different power Sm transformer
untuk lilitan primer dan sekunder ukuran kawatnya brp mm?
ReplyDeleteHello brother it's me Sandeep Ur old friend, first me try to assemble 4k5amp ,many MOSFET are damnege ,the brother u help.now the amplifier is working super,now i want to make this gacun smps .pls tell me the primary wire swg and need any air gap to to winding , thanks brother +918921058775 whats app India
ReplyDeleteThis circuit is not compatible with D4K5 amplifier